
Rita's health journey was filled with numerous challenges and ailments. She battled with asthma, allergies, tonsillitis, and even appendicitis. Unfortunately, her struggles didn't end there. Complications arose from her appendectomy as scar tissue began to develop internally. This scar tissue started spreading throughout her abdomen, affecting her intestines and female organs. Eventually, she had to undergo a hysterectomy at the young age of 19. Traditional medicine's solution was to surgically remove the scar tissue and parts of her intestines, but this only led to more scar tissue formation.

After enduring 23 surgeries and narrowly avoiding a colostomy bag, Rita, at 28 years old, was desperate to break free from the cycle of medical interventions. Her journey towards healing began at the age of 21 when she started studying herbs. As her research deepened, she discovered a herb called chickweed, which had the incredible ability to dissolve scar tissue. This discovery was a game-changer for Rita, as it meant she could potentially avoid further surgeries.

Motivated by her passion for natural healing and her exploration of ancient remedies, herbs, and food as medicine, Rita pursued various fields of alternative medicine. She became an Iridologist, Sclerologist, and eventually a Massage Therapist with expertise in over 20 different modalities, including Magnets, Kinesiology, and Frequency techniques. For the past three decades, she has dedicated herself to healing people naturally.

Today, Rita shares her wealth of knowledge and experiences with her clients using a device that scans individuals. This device emits specific frequencies that help the body regain its natural balance in terms of emotions, chemistry, and overall function. The results have been remarkable, and the feedback from clients has been astounding. The best part is that these sessions can be conducted remotely, requiring nothing more than a cell phone and a pair of earbuds or a headset.

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